Good manners, or behaving in a way that's socially acceptable and respectful, display respect, care, and consideration for others. Excellent manners can help you to have better relationships with people you know, and those you will meet.

Here's how to cultivate them.

  • Practice basic courtesy. Say "please" and "thank you," when you need to, even to the person behind the counter at McDonald's. People notice when you're courteous and respectful toward them, and it can count for a lot. 

  •    Hold open doors for other people. You don't have to be a guy to hold a door open. If someone will be entering the door shortly after you, pause a second and hold it open. Say "After you, sir/ma'am," if the person is a stranger; if not, use his or her name in place of sir or ma'am.If you're unsure about whether or not the other person would appreciate having the door held open, ask politely. Say, "May I get the door for you?" This gives the other person an opportunity to accept or decline.  

  •    Speak politely. Keep the volume of your voice as low as possible while still allowing people to hear you, and don't use slang or filler words (such as "like," "uh," "so..." and so on).If possible, try not to drop your Gs. For instance, instead of saying "hangin' out," try to enunciate "hanging out."

  • Don't discuss rude topics, such as bodily functions, gossip, dirty jokes, swear words, or anything you wouldn't want your mom (or someone you have a crush on) hearing you say.
  • Don't interrupt or override another person when he or she is speaking. Practice being a good listener, and talk when it's your turn.  
  •    Give up your seat on public transportation. If you're on a crowded train or bus and you notice someone struggling to stand up (such as an elderly person, a pregnant woman, or someone with a lot of parcels), offer him or her your seat. Saying something like, "Sir, I'd be delighted if you'd accept my seat" can make the situation less awkward for the other person. If he or she declines, be gracious; say, "Please feel welcome to let me know if you change your mind." 

  •  Congratulate people. Offer your congratulations to someone who's just made a big accomplishment (such as graduating or being promoted), has added to his or her family (such as getting married or having a child), or has otherwise done something worthy of praise.Be a good sport. Congratulate anyone who beats you in a race, sporting event, election or other competition.

  •      Be a courteous driver. Driving with good manners might seem outdated, but it's actually a matter of safety. Try to follow these tips:  
 If you come to a four-way stop that another driver doesn't seem to know how to manage, just motion him or her to go ahead of you.
Yield to pedestrians, and try to give cyclists plenty of room. Remember, your two-ton vehicle is a lot more dangerous to them than they are to you, so it's your responsibility to try to make sure everyone is safe on road! 
  • Know how to greet people. Whether you're in an informal or formal situation, acknowledging the presence of another person is a fundamental point of having good manners.
  1. Make any necessary greeting gestures. For informal greetings, how you physically interact with that person is your choice - you could do nothing at all, or offer a hug, handshake, or other greeting based on your relationship with that person. For formal greetings, though, it's appropriate to offer a handshake or bow your head forward slightly. If the person you're greeting formally goes in for a hug or an air kiss, accept it graciously. 
    • Write thank-you notes. Whenever anyone gives you a gift or does something particularly nice for you, send him or her a thank-you note within a few days (or a few weeks, for larger events such as a birthday party). Note how thankful you are for the specific gift or action, and how delighted you are to have the other person's friendship.
    Note that a thank-you email can be appropriate in certain situations, such as the workplace or for someone who lives so far away that an email is much more expedient. When possible, though, it is preferable to send hand-written thank-you notes.

In the present busy living, what most of us miss in our daily lives is a regular healthy lifestyle which ultimately leads to physical and mental illnesses. But trust me readers, its just about developing a proper mind setup to enjoy a healthy life.

Here are some easy tips for a healthy living.

Breathe Deeply.  Its free of cost and can be done anywhere and anytime. It is also an important stress management tool. So breathe as deeply as u can and it can create wonders for you. Simply pay attention on focused deep breathing for just five minutes whenever you feel yourself free.

Watch out your eating habits.  Your diet must consist of proper supplements and nourishment including proteins vitamins and carbohydrates. Besides, take meals at proper timings and avoid junk. Make fresh fruits and green vegetables also a part of your diet as they are important for development of body.

Exercise is important. Try to establish a daily exercise routine to keep your body fit and active for work. It doesn't necessarily mean to spend hours at gym doing heavy stuff but to do regular job of minutes even but daily, like jogging, push-ups, skipping etc.

Sound Sleep. Taking proper rest and sleep is not only essential for healthy body but for an active brain as well. Studies have revealed that people who dont take proper rest face problems of laziness at work and lack of concentration.

Drink plenty of water.  Drink as much water as you can simply. It will help you get rid of harmful bacteria and dirt from body plus also aid in proper digestion. One must drink at-least 10-12 glasses of water daily for sound health.
Laughter is the best medicine. Last but not the least, become a glass-half-full person! Studies have found that those with a positive attitude suffer less from conditions such as heart disease. Find something to laugh at every day to give your feel-good hormones a boost.

Seriously, it is much difficult to have good peaceful life with all the way wrong gift like on marriage anniversary you gift her perfume and over pregnancy trackmill.

Yes, you must planned out for right gift according to your beloved partner. Factors which you must considered before buying gift:

  • Her liking like colour
  • Her nature like she love electronics, perfume or dressing
  • Event nature like honeymoon, new year, marriage anniversary or birthday 
  • Your budget
Who is your wife:

  • House Wife - Love long lasting colour i.e Black, white, off-white, light brown
  • Business Woman - Black, White, silver
  • Trendy model - Pink, purple, orange, red
  • Student - Red, silver, 
  • Professional - Various 
You must had observation and your personal analysis include in this as well. 

Her Nature:

Every woman had its own nature and properties. Her activities are designed according to own background, education and friends. 

  • Cooking -  Kitchen upgrade, new recipe books, oven, utensil, crockery & kitchen appliance etc   
  • Housing  - Carpets, upgrade of bedroom & new lights etc  
  • Driving - Car, car lights, modified rides, car seat covers, interiors
  • Partying - Engine upgrades, perfumes, clothing, makeup kit
  • Executive - Clothing, perfumes, ring, jewellery, laptop, ipad 
  • Living Class - Furniture, Books,
  • Arts - Interior, painting, sytlish & accident jewellery 
  • Education - Books, electronics i.e Tablet
Event Nature:
Event must be considered all and analysis.

Pregnancy news dinner, hug and promise to take care and provide comfort with small gift in enough.

Where as, our marriage anniversary, you can gift jewellery item or some electronics or any thing which your wife literally required.

Cultural or religious celebration like eid or Christmas than little gifts like new watch or perfume or unique artificial jewelry alongwith strong hug and cheerful behavior even workout. 

Birthday, some time surprise party and clothing are perfect combination but do look for house upgrade on this event.

Your Budget:

Money Matters alot even and it is fact. Spending large over pregnancy new is discourage because at that time woman requires your love, support and comfort not appliance or perfumes.  Our cultural or religious festivals car or new house is not right thing.

last tip:
Chocolates and sweets workout everywhere.
Written by Afaf Deen
facebook twitter


Pregnancy announcement cards
Why ?

Oh Yes ! you are no more singular but now you are two human being in one body so it is new of happiness generally at first and foremost it is right your your partner i.e husband. Question or point to be noted is "right manner" for conveying him. There are several decent manners which are mentioned below:
  • Prepare a dinner like romantic candle light than told him within conversion
  • Just simple tell in the morning or when he return from office after an hug fellow by sweet kiss over the cheek than a whisper in the ear
  • Simply, Small gift or toy packed with pasted card i.e Pregnancy announcement cards in his car seat or with his tie.
Although, first two methods are also much decent but I prefer third one personally because in first i have to make full cuisine and second requires alot of guts. 

Pregnancy announcement cards
Who ?
Kindly make it sure that your mother in law or sister in law do NOT announce this news because than whole glamour of love and promise is destroyed. Do not except much of extra love and care from him. 

Where ? 

Where you can place card, there following good visible places in the home: 
  • Dressing Table/Mirror
  • Cabinet
  • On laptop
  • Refriger 
  • Car
I will prefer Dressing Mirror or car because they are more decent place and It will even appreciated to place card with small gift like new perfume or Mufflers so your partner can even return more care and love in all those nine.

When ?

Seriously, do not delay this news, by single day or night even like you are confirm or visited doctor today than simple buy perfume or muffler or tie for your Beloved hubby on the way back to home and buy announcement card online or from shop or simple make one yourself using publisher.

Buy Pregnancy announcement cards from online websites.

How ? 
Simple, Pasted card with good news using Scotch tape and place it on your desire place.

Written by Afaf Deen
Facebook Twitter

Trendy, lightweight colorful, woven mufflers are in much fashion nowadays which are not worn to curb the chills, rather, they make the wearer look chic and fashionable. Generally, women fling them over a tee, drape them over a shirt or wear them in a crisscrossed way over blazers. Shades of crimson, coral, gold, geranium, russet, earth and sea add drama to skin and clothing.
Mufflers are chic fashion statements because they may be worn in different styles. Indeed, many women even use their muffler like a necklace wrapping it artfully around their neck so that their attire looks attractive yet suitably restrained. To that end, mufflers are embellished beautifully. Some are even trimmed with beads and pearl.
Mufflers are a hit not just because they look attractive but also because they provide a much needed break from heavy jewelry. They nicely frame the T-shirt and are able to accent lapels and collars in a sophisticated manner. So, whether you want to look ultra casual or super cool, the right use of mufflers is all you need to carry off the look. Why, you can even use mufflers in the corporate setting, establishing a feminine yet formal look.
                                 So ladies............. Grab a new one for u!

Its a delicious hot drink which warms you up in chilly days and nights of winters. Whats most likeable about this beverage is, it can be prepared easily, within no time and a pure delight.

Here it goes...

Total Time: 10minutes

Prep Time: 5mins

cook Time: 5mins

Servings: 2

  • 2 (1 ounce) envelopes instant powdered cocoa mix 
  • 3 cups hot brewed coffee 
  • 1/4 cup half-and-half cream 
  • 3/4 teaspoon rum extract 
  • 1/4 cup whipped topping
  • ground cinnamon (optional) 

  • In a small saucepan, whisk together the cocoa mix, coffee, cream and rum extract until cocoa is dissolved. 
  • Heat through. 
  • Top each serving with whipped topping and sprinkle with cinnamon if desired. 
  • Creamy hot cocoa coffee is ready. Enjoy the taste of pleasure!

Floating Social Share Widget or Gadget are generally blog traffic enhancer actually can even create viral effect like in case person with 1k or 100k follower on twitter or fans of facebook shared the article/post of the blog can simply result into the huge traffic gain plus extra beneficial point is that Search Engine Optimization is done for free. It must be also noted that your blog/website presence over internet is increased and your link is available several hundred place.

Be ready for the viral effects:

Float Social Share Widget:
  • Thumb Up Social Share Widget
  • All Social Sharing Buttons Floating Widget For Blogger
  • Floating Vertical Bar With Share Buttons Widget For Blogger
  • Social Media Sharing Buttons Widget For Blogger [RECOMMENDED]

Thumb Up Social Share Widget

Go to Blogger Dashboard >> Layout >> Add a Gadget >> HTML/JavaScript and paste the following code in it:

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<p style=" line-height:0px; font-size:8px; font-weight:bold; text-align:center"><a style="color:#D3D3D3;" href="">widgets</a></p>

All Social Sharing Buttons Floating Widget For Blogger

The process of adding this widget to your blog is simplest. You need just to follow below steps:
  1. Blogger >> Template >> HTML >> Proceed >> Expand the Widget Template
  2. Search for below code by using CTRL+F Short Key
         <b:includable id='post' var='post'>
Just below/after above code paste the following code:
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<p style=' line-height:0px; font-size:10px; font-weight:bold; text-align:center;'><a href='' style='color:#CAC8C8;'>Widgets</a></p>

Floating Vertical Bar With Share Buttons Widget For Blogger

 Go to Blogger Dashboard >> Layout >> Add a Gadget >> HTML/JavaScript and paste the following code in it:
<a href=''><img alt='Floating Vertical Bar With Share Buttons widget by Making Different' src=''/></a><div class="addthis_bar addthis_bar_vertical addthis_bar_medium" style="background:#98A2A7; border: 1px solid #000000; top:120px;left:50px;">             <div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style addthis_32x32_style">                 <span><a class="addthis_button_preferred_1"></a></span>                 <span><a class="addthis_button_preferred_2"></a></span>                 <span><a class="addthis_button_preferred_3"></a></span>                 <span><a class="addthis_button_preferred_4"></a></span>                 <span><a class="addthis_button_compact"></a></span>             </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
Source: Original

Floating Vertical Social Widget javascript - Recommended  

Go to Blogger Dashboard >> Layout >> Add a Gadget >> HTML/JavaScript and paste the following code in it:

<script type="text/javascript">var switchTo5x=true;</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
var options={ "publisher": "074821ed-063e-4ae5-bad9-3e26ecf249f3", "position": "left", "ad": { "visible": true, "openDelay": 5, "closeDelay": 0}, "chicklets": { "items": ["facebook", "googleplus", "twitter", "linkedin", "email", "pinterest"]}};
var st_hover_widget = new sharethis.widgets.hoverbuttons(options);
Source: Unknown


Last one is the best, because of small size of code and does not over burden the blog and even sometime over java script and Jquery can stuck your blog on browser or slow down internet experience. Happy Blog.

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